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Differences in Prognoses for Patients With Right-Sided or Left-Sided Colorectal Cancer
Comparing Right- and Left-Sided Colon Cancer
Right- Versus Left-Sided Colorectal Tumors and Survival
The Differences Between Right- and Left-Sided Tumors in Colon Cancer
Dr. Grothey on Left- Versus Right-Sided Tumors in CRC
Dr. Shah on the Difference in Treatment of Left- and Right-Sided Tumors in CRC
The left versus right in colon cancer
Dr. Ahn on Left- Versus Right-Sided Tumors in CRC
Update: Left versus right sided colon cancers: Biomarkers versus biology
Debate: Targeted therapy for RAS/BRAF WT left sided colon cancers - EGFR antibodies are mandatory
Left- Versus Right-Sided Tumors in CRC
Dr Alan Venook Outlines the Challenges of Right-Sided Colon Cancer